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The Port Authority Police Department is the only American police department to be attacked by foreign enemies

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  • The first two squads of PAPD Recruit Class 123 have started firearms training. The nine-day firearms rotation is an integral instruction in recruit training. 
The PAPD six-month recruit academy turns out police officers who have received the highest level of recruit training in law enforcement. 
The 123rd Recruit Class will graduate on June 20, 2025. The new police officers will be assigned to various PAPD commands and begin their service to the people of New York, New Jersey, and the millions using Port Authority facilities daily. 
The Port Authority PBA wishes the members of the 123rd Class success in their academy journey.
#PAPD #PAPDACADEMY #PAPD123rdRecruitClass #PAPBA #papdprotectsnynj
  • Rest in Peace, North Las Vegas Police Officer Jason Roscow, E.O.W. 2/4/2025.
Police Officer Roscow responded to a report of a man with a gun. When he encountered the gunman, gunfire erupted with Police Officer Roscow receiving fatal wounds. During the last seconds of his life, Police Officer Roscow continued protecting the public from harm, advancing, firing, and killing the shooter. 
Jason, rest in the Lord's eternal embrace. Always Honored, Never Forgotten. 
#thesacrificecontinues #NorthLasVegasPolice #PAPD #PAPBA #papdprotectsny
  • Maryanne Mezzacappa, wife of fallen PAPD hero Anthony Mezzacappa, E.O.W. 5/14/2024, has had her art chosen for the
  • Get your foursome together for a great outing
#PAPD #PAPBA #papdprotectsnynj
  • The Port Authority PBA was proud to be a sponsor for
  • Sunday, February 2, 2025;
We honor and remember Port Authority Police Detective Jack Collins on the third anniversary of his passing. Detective Collins spent years as an investigator in the PAPD Youth Services Unit working some of law enforcement's most difficult cases, human trafficking, especially of children. He was instrumental in rescuing many from a life of horror and abuse. 
Detective Collins was a recipient of the Port Authority Police Department Medal of Valor for his actions in apprehending and disarming the Port Authority Bus Terminal subway bomber on December 11, 2017.
Jack also graduated law school, becoming an attorney. When asked if he practiced law, he said,
  • The Port Authority PBA acknowledges and honors the contributions of African Americans to the success of our great nation. The PBA is especially proud of the accomplishments of our friends with the Port Authority Bi-State Coalition.
#BlackHistoryMonth #PAPDBiStateCoalition #PAPD #PAPBA #papdprotectsnynj
  • Friday, January 31, 2025, Garfield, NJ;
Port Authority PBA President Frank Conti hosted the 16th Annual Port Authority PBA Cop of the Year Awards Dinner at the Venetian Banquet Hall.
President Conti presented Port Authority Police Officers Miguel Correa-Rodriguez and Joseph Romano of the PAPD George Washington Bridge Command the 2024 Cop of the Year Award for their actions on Sunday, October 13, 2024, when they ended a two-state crime spree confronting a violent, knife wielding suspect who slashed and stabbed Police Officer Correa-Rodriguez multiple times.
President Conti also presented the 2024 PBA Command of the Year Award to the members of the PAPD Bus Terminal Command. 
The 115 members displayed unwavering dedication to protecting the traveling public by ensuring safe and orderly public transportation, stopping criminal activity, and constantly countering the daily threat of terrorism. In addition to the services rendered to the public, members of the Port Authority Bus Terminal Command continue to be on the front lines protecting the people of New York and New Jersey. 
These awards are a testament to heroic and selfless work performed each day by Port Authority police officers. The Port Authority PBA congratulates the recipients. 
#PAPD #PAPBA #papdprotectsnynj
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, Bayonne, NJ;
Port Authority Police Officers Richard Tepedino (L) and Tony Labon Calix, PAPD New Jersey Marine Terminals Command, responded to a report of a man down. The subject, 77 years old, was in line about to board a Royal Caribbean cruise ship at Liberty Cruise Port in Bayonne when he passed out. Upon arrival, the officers found the man unconscious, without a pulse and not breathing. They began CPR and connected the man to a defibrillator. The officers were able to restore the man's pulse and  respirations. The man was transported to Bayonne Medical Center. 
Another life saved by the PAPD
#PAPD ##PAPDNJMT #PAPBA #papdprotectsnynj
  • National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) President Mick McHale's letter supporting the nomination of Kash Patel as the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) The Port Authority PBA is a proud member of NAPO.
#NAPO #PAPD #PAPBA #FBI #KashPatel #papdprotectsnynj
  • The Port Authority PBA wishes all who celebrate, and especially our friends of the PAPD Asian Jade Society, a Happy Chinese New Year. May the Year of the Snake bring you happiness. 
#yearofthesnake #PAPDAJS #lunarnewyear #PAPD #PAPBA #papdprotectsnynj
  • Eighty years ago, on January 27, 1945, the Auschwirz Concentration Camp was liberated. During the Holocaust, one-third of the Jewish population was exterminated by Germany's Nazi regime. Every January 27th, the people of the world pause to remember those lost and pray such evil never again inhabits the Earth. We must never forget. 
#Holocaust #PAPD #PAPBA #papdprotectsnynj